Navigating Consent in Spooky Nights: Halloween, Substances, and Safe Choices

Navigating Consent in Spooky Nights: Halloween, Substances, and Safe Choices

Halloween is a night of fantasy, costumes, and revelry. It's a time when adults often gather to celebrate with themed parties and events. While Halloween is a time for fun and excitement, it's essential to remember that consent remains a vital aspect of any sexual encounter. In situations where substances are used, such as alcohol or recreational drugs, the importance of clear and informed consent becomes even more critical. This blog post aims to guide you through the nuances of expressing and reading consent in sexual situations during Halloween festivities involving substances, with a focus on maintaining safe and respectful encounters.

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Ghosting vs Stonewalling: What’s the Difference?

Ghosting vs Stonewalling: What’s the Difference?

We have all experienced the pain of being ignored or shut out by someone we care about. Whether it’s a potential date that never calls back or a romantic partner who suddenly goes silent, it can devastate our self-esteem and sense of security in relationships. In these situations, it can be easy to confuse ghosting and stonewalling, two common behaviors that create distance and emotional turmoil in relationships. This article will dive deep into the difference between ghosting and stonewalling, their impact on relationships, and how to overcome them for a healthier, happier love life.

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Ghosting: Why Do People Choose to Disappear?

Ghosting: Why Do People Choose to Disappear?

Halloween is just around the corner, and while ghosts may be a nostalgic and thrilling part of our spooky season, ghosting is a serious and unfortunate reality for many people. Ghosting is a term used to describe the act of suddenly and without explanation, disappearing from a person's life or communication, leaving the other person feeling bewildered, hurt, and confused. Ghosting can happen in friendships, work relationships, and romantic relationships. Couples therapy can be an excellent place to approach ghosting or stonewalling within relationships. Today, we will delve into the possible reasons why people choose to ghost their partners or dates and discuss how it can impact the other person.

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Unleashing Calm in Kinky Chaos: Tips for Managing Anxiety at Events like Folsom St Fair

Unleashing Calm in Kinky Chaos: Tips for Managing Anxiety at Events like Folsom St Fair

The Folsom St. Fair is an annual BDSM and leather street fair that attracts thousands of people to San Francisco for a day of extravagance and exploration. As exhilarating as this event can be, it can also be overwhelming, especially for people who experience anxiety or stress. Let's explore ways to calm your nervous system and ground yourself during big events like Folsom St. Fair using tips from the workshop "Unleashing Calm in Kinky Chaos," led by David Khalili, LMFT, Founder of Rouse Relational Wellness.

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